Your Best 2024 Guide to Rapid Transformational Therapy® by Marisa Peer
What is hypnotherapy used for?
Can you guarantee results?
How many sessions will I need?
What if the results don’t last?
What if I need to cancel?
Can I claim through my health fund?
What is clinical hypnotherapy?
Clinical hypnotherapy is a form of psychotherapy that uses advanced methods of hypnosis and other techniques to treat a variety of medical problems and psychological conditions that a client wishes to change.
Hypnosis and psychological treatments are used in clinical hypnotherapy, administered by a trained professional such as myself. In my practice, I combine various tools with hypnosis, such as CBT, psychotherapy, psychology, healing and neurolinguistic programming (or NLP), which I learned from recognised Australian hypnotherapists with decades of experience
What is the difference between hypnosis and hypnotherapy?
Put simply: hypnotherapy = hypnosis + therapy.
Hypnosis is a totally natural state of mind, the learning state that every human being enters, to one degree or another, on a regular basis. It is used by a licensed mental health practitioner (hypnotherapist) as one of the tools in the counselling or therapeutic toolbox.
The difference between hypnosis and hypnotherapy is that hypnosis is defined as a state of mind, while hypnotherapy is the name of the therapeutic modality in which hypnosis is used.
How do I know hypnotherapy is legit?
Hypnosis has been an active area of investigation and research for over 100 years within distinguished university psychological and medical laboratories. In more recent times, it has found synergy with neuroplasticity – the ability of the brain to be rewired and form new pathways.
Today, hypnosis is acknowledged as a helpful tool for understanding how the mind works. When used in hypnotherapy by a trained professional, it has the ability to transform lives. According to the APA, success rate of hypnotherapy is much higher than other psychotherapy techniques.
How does hypnotherapy session work?
Each session is individually designed for you and the change you want to see. We start with an informal discussion, during which I ask questions to help me understand the nature of the issue and establish the best way to resolve it.
The next stage is hypnosis, which helps to relax your body and mind. We then engage your subconscious mind to help you achieve your desired change. Think of this as upgrading your software or rewiring your internal hardware. It can only be done when other programs are not in use.
In itself, hypnosis is a very healing state. Dr Milton Erickson, a leading American hypnotherapist, described the process of clinical hypnosis as “a free period in which individuality can flourish”.
Will I be unconscious during hypnosis?
No, hypnosis doesn’t send you to sleep or take over your brain. Instead, it bypasses the critical, chattering mind, so that we can access beliefs formed many years ago.
Hypnotic trance is a completely natural state of inward focus. It is similar to the experience of the flow state, like being totally absorbed while watching a movie. You will be aware of what I am saying and be fully present. Your waking consciousness will be increasingly focused to enable us to tap into your subconscious mind and make positive changes to thought patterns, habits or the negative effects of traumatic incidents.
What does hypnosis feel like?
A clinical hypnotherapist uses hypnosis to enable the client to achieve a state of mental, physical and emotional relaxation.
Hypnosis is often referred to as trance. We encounter the phenomenon of 'trance' almost daily. For example, when we watch a movie, listen to our favourite tune, or become lost in thought. Meditation is also a form of a trance. The hypnotic trance is very similar to these states and is a natural state of consciousness.
When you are in hypnosis, you are likely to feel physically and mentally relaxed, and sometimes more alert. It has been likened to the feelings we experience just before waking completely from sleep, or as we drift off to sleep. Some people say it feels like daydreaming.
Emotional trauma therapy - EMI neuroptherapy
Emotional Mind Integration, or EMI, is a solution focused approach for a wide spectrum of issues such as depression, phobia, anxiety, panic attacks, anger, low self-esteem and inner conflict, with an underlying root cause of emotional trauma.
EMI combines various elements of traditional psychotherapy techniques, hypnotherapy, CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy) and ego state therapy with more modern modalities, such as coaching, Family Constellations and present day neuroscience.
It is especially effective in creating new neural pathways when helping to establish new patterns of behaviour.
Can I be hypnotised?
The answer is likely to be yes. Like anything else in life, the more you experience hypnosis, or practise self-hypnosis, the more easily you can slip into that wonderfully relaxed state.
A common myth is that strong-minded people can't be hypnotised. This isn't true. A person goes into hypnosis because they choose to. So if you see yourself as a strong-minded person who really wants to achieve mindset change, you are a really good candidate for hypnosis – provided you are committed to wanting it to work for you.
What is self-hypnosis?
The difference between hypnotherapy and self-hypnosis is that in a hypnotherapy session you are guided by a trained hypnotherapist, whereas in self-hypnosis, you take yourself into hypnosis, in order to give yourself hypnotic suggestions.
Self-hypnosis can be very effective for working with simple issues. It is frequently taught to hypnotherapy clients to use after completing the therapy process, as an effective way to reinforce gains made during therapy. However, for deeper/more complex issues, seeing a hypnotherapist will often provide better results than using self-hypnosis as a first approach.
Do I have to explore my feelings?
You may feel uncomfortable about discussing your feelings, but they are the most real thing you have, and naming them is the essential first step to dealing with any mindset issue.
Imagine your feelings as a classroom full of children calling out, “Listen to me, look at me!” When you ignore them, they don’t go away. Instead, they regroup and return, repeating “listen to me, listen to me…” even more urgently. And so it goes on ...
Most people push their feelings by indulging in with food, alcohol, or other addictive substances. But the feelings come back until you allow yourself to acknowledge them, talk about them and feel them. This is vital for real change to begin.
What if I don’t want to share what comes up during a session?
Whatever revelations you may have during hypnotic state are yours. You don’t need to share with me anything you’re uncomfortable with. The most important thing is for you to understand how you are affected by what you discover, and what went into forming your limiting belief.
Will I lose control during a hypnosis session?
TV shows and stage hypnotists have created the common misconception that you can be hypnotised without knowing it, or made to do things you wouldn't normally do. This is simply not true.
Research conducted at the University of NSW by Dr Amanda Barnier reported that “hypnotised people do not act like robots, nor are they powerless pawns of post-hypnotic suggestions planted in their subconscious”.
All hypnosis is self-hypnosis, which means you won't become hypnotised if you choose not to be. Once you are in a hypnotic state, you remain in full control at all times and can't be made to do anything against your will. The role of the hypnotherapist is to use hypnotic suggestions to shift your mindset, but it is entirely up to you whether you accept or reject those suggestions.
What is hypnotherapy used for?
Hypnotherapy can be used to manage mindset shifts, limiting beliefs, fears and phobias, anxiety and stress, panic attacks, insomnia, lack of self-confidence, weight issues, addictions, procrastination, burnout, low self-esteem, and even physical challenges such as irritable bowel syndrome, skin conditions and migraines.
If you are not sure whether your issue can be treated with hypnotherapy, feel free to book a free Zoom Consultation so that we can discuss your specific needs.
Can you guarantee results?
No therapy is 100% guaranteed to work. However, the rates of success encountered with hypnotherapy are often much higher than other therapies and even some widely-accepted medicines and treatment.
Although this work is incredibly powerful and effective, it is not a passive process - it requires the participation and cooperation of the person undergoing the treatment. Results from any therapy are very much a reflection of an individual's desire to change.
My advise therefore is to only go for hypnotherapy if YOU want the changes, not because someone told you to.
How many sessions will I need?
It is not possible to determine the number of sessions without individual consultation first. In general it ranges from 1 to 5 sessions of approximately 1 to 2 hours each.
Hypnotherapy is faster than other therapies. Positive suggestions are planted like seeds in the subconscious mind and take root fairly quickly. Depending on how ready you are for change, real change can occur as soon as our first session. In general, most people need up to 4 sessions when working on one issue.
What if the results don’t last?
Hypnotherapy is a unique method proven to have an impact right from the first session, and the results are long-lasting. This makes it very cost-effective. You don’t need to spend tons of money on years of therapy before you see results.
If you feel might want extra support, you may request a personalised recording from our session, which you can listen to at any time. Listening to a session like this for 21 days is scientifically proven to form a new habit, and is a great way to reinforce your sessions.
Usually, once the trigger is resolved, the result is permanent. Hypnotic script lays down pathways or connections between neurons. Thanks to the neuroplasticity of the brain, as new pathways are strengthened, new behaviours become second nature.
What if I need to cancel or re-schedule?
Kindly send me a text on 04 1144 8082 or change your online appointment using the link you have received . If you fail to attend a session without 24 hours' notice, you forfeit the prepaid amount for that session.
Can I claim through my health fund?
Please always check with your insurance provider. I am unable to advise on individual providers and it is important that you do your own due diligence for your peace of mind.